5 Helpful YouTube Channels for Accounting Students

If you’ve decided that the accounting career field is the right fit for you, then it’s time to start learning all that you can about it. Fortunately, there are many resources that can help you as you explore the field. These same resources can also be helpful to you once you’ve started school and are completing a relevant program in the field.

And, while there are many types of resources out there, perhaps one of the most fun, engaging, and informative resource types is YouTube! YouTube actually has many channels focused on accounting, and here, we’ll share five of the very best of these channels with you.


AccountingTube is perhaps one of the very best channels and resources for accounting students, which is who the channel is designed for. On this channel, viewers can find videos covering all kinds of accounting topics- basically everything that will be covered in school. There are videos on everything from intangible assets and how to handle them to how to format financial reports balance sheets. If there is ever anything that you are having trouble understanding or need more information about, then AccountingTube is definitely the place to go. Basically everything you could ever need to know about accounting is contained in this one channel!

Farhat’s Accounting Lectures


Have you ever wished that you could record your professor’s lectures from class and then replay them when studying for a test? Well, if your teacher doesn’t allow that or if you don’t have a recorder, then don’t worry. Farhat’s Accounting Lectures is the next best thing. This channel contains lectures on a wide variety of relevant topics, which means that you can easily brush up on things you may have missed or not understood in class. You can also get more information about accounting topics that interest you or that you want or need to write a report or paper on.




The name of this channel really says it all! If you have ever wished you could have a tutor for your accountant classes, then this is the channel for you. The videos here cover a variety of topics relevant to the field and are very useful for getting more information on something you may not have understood in class. Hot topics include things like “Philosophies of Accounting” and “Financial Planning Principles,” but really, you can find a video on just about any related topic that interests you or that you need to know or study more about.


CPA Strength


This channel is particularly great because it has a nice mix of “just for fun” videos and also very useful and informative videos. A lot of the videos are basic in nature and are tagged as “for beginners” or as “basic tutorials.” However, if you ever need a quick review of some of the basic principles in the field or just want to brush up on basics before a test, this channel is a great place to go.

Rutgers Accounting Web

Finally, this last channel is one you can’t miss! Rutgers is a leading school for accountants, so it makes sense that videos from the school’s accountant program would be super useful and informative. Another really nice thing about these videos is that most of them contain graphs, pictures, and animations that can make understanding the material easier and more entertaining.

As you can see, there are a lot of great channels out there for budding accountants. Check these Youtube channels out to help with your classes or just to learn more about the field.
See also: Top 10 Best Online Master of Accounting Degree Programs