A necessary step along the road to becoming a certified public attorney, the Uniform CPA Exam requires serious preparation.
Consisting of four separate sections that must all be successfully completed in an 18-month window, it’s a rigorous and undeniably challenging test of proficiency; its pass rate consistently hovers around 50 percent. Just getting ready to sit for the exam can be grueling, but utilizing these five tips for surviving your CPA exam prep can make the process a little easier.
1. Learn everything you can about the exam.
There are several reasons people are urged to study their adversaries. Knowing what you face makes it easier to prepare effectively for the challenge ahead and helps you to feel more in control. Fortunately, the American Institute of CPAs, the organization that administers the CPA exam, makes information about it readily available to anyone thinking about taking the test. It offers a detailed explanation of the exam’s structure and free sample tests that allow you to see examples of the various types of questions that are on it. There’s even a free tutorial that lets you see exactly what the exam looks like.
2. Develop a plan for studying.
The CPA exam is a 14-hour test, so cramming won’t cut it. If you want to pass this comprehensive exam, you need to do more than study; you have to study smart.
The general recommendation is that you should expect to spend 500 hours studying. How do you get the most out of your study time? Make a plan. Review the content of the exam and assess what you know and what you don’t. After identifying your strengths and weaknesses, decide how much study time you need to devote to each subject and schedule your time accordingly.
Should you study alone or join a prep program or class? That depends on you. Studying on your own allows you to customize your study schedule to best meet your unique needs. Participating in a preparatory class can provide structure and make it easier to set aside a specific time to study. Choose the option that works best for you.
3. Know when to say no.
Preparing for the CPA exam is a massive chore. Unless you have 500 empty hours in your schedule, you’re going to have to prioritize, and studying needs to be one of your top priorities. That means you have to know when to say no. There will inevitably be projects, opportunities and events that you simply cannot participate in. Accept it.
It may help to talk with family and friends about what prepping for the CPA exam demands so that they understand. Their support can help get you through this challenging endeavor and shield you from the demands of others.
4. Take care of yourself.
Burning out before you ever sit down at the computer to take the exam won’t help you pass. While studying, take care to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Schedule regular breaks and outings. Eat healthy foods to avoid getting sick. Continue to exercise; physical activity is a great way to reduce stress, so exercise offers both physical and mental benefits. Finally, don’t skimp on sleep. Countless studies have shown that sleep plays a crucial role in memory and learning, so making it a habit to burn the midnight oil studying may do more harm than good.
5. Know why you’re doing this.
Take a moment to identify the reason why you’re determined to pass the CPA exam. Is it because you’ve always dreamed of being a CPA? Are you eager for the professional opportunities that this credential offers? Is a financial incentive driving you? Is there another reason? Whatever your motivation, recognize it, write it down and put your note in a safe place. When the pressure is on and you’re wondering if it’s really worth it, pull out your note and read it to remind yourself why you’re tackling this challenge.
Preparing for the CPA exam is a gargantuan task. It won’t be easy, but it can be done. Using these tips will help make the challenge manageable and increase your odds of successfully passing the exam.