5 Concentrations for a Master’s in Accounting

Now that you have decided to obtain your Master’s in Accounting, you may be wondering what else you can do with this degree. You can also choose a concentration that will give you knowledge in a specific area. For accounting, there are several concentrations. You may even be able to select more than one if you so desire.


Accounting students may choose Economics as a concentration. You will be required to take both Macroeconomics and Microeconomics. In one program, you will take the course Money, Banking and Economy as well as Managerial Economics. Then, you will be free to choose three electives. If you wish, you will be able to select a sub-concentration, such as International Economics.

Other courses include Econometrics, Economic and Political Integration in the European Union, Industrial Organization and Public Policy and Contemporary Economic Systems. You also have several electives, and two of these are Global Strategic Management and Financial Markets and Instruments.


This is a great concentration for anyone who wants to learn what steps must be taken to become an entrepreneur. While working under this program, you will learn how to form teams, construct business models, develop effective communication skills and assess the feasibility of proposed ventures. It is the right concentration whether you wish to work in a non-profit setting, a family business, a startup company, a global entity or a corporation. This concentration is also for you if you are interested in going into retail sales or technology.


Students with this concentration take Principles of Finance and four other finance courses. You have several interesting options to choose from, and they include Corporate Financial Management, Security Valuation, Finance and Valuing Sustainability, Real Estate Investment, Financial Markets and Instruments and Real Estate Development. Other courses include Investments, Fixed Income and Structured Products, Options and Futures, Corporate Financial Strategy and Corporation Finance Modeling, and Decision-Making Tools. You also have the option of taking an accounting course with this concentration. Most employers require that you do so before they will consider hiring you.

Information Technology Management

This concentration gives you the ability to work as an analyst for consulting firms and other companies. Of course, you can also go into a career as a database professional or a programmer. After you have completed this program, you will have the specialized skills and knowledge that these jobs require. Some of the required courses are Prototyping with Information Technology, Web Technologies and Advanced Web Development. You will also have electives. Some of these are Cryptology, Web Technologies, Clouds, Platforms and Networks and Building Social Networks to Improve Business Performance. Along with your courses, you may also choose to attend seminars on this subject.

Global Business Management

Students in the Global Business Management concentration have the opportunity to take courses that are geared toward the global market. You will develop a global mindset because of this. The students are immersed in managing a global company, but they also learn how to work within a global context. Students have required courses and elective courses to complete, but this concentration also requires that you obtain experience outside of the university. Some choose to study abroad for a semester, and others decide to engage in independent study. However, if you already have this type of experience, you may not be required to fulfill this obligation.

See also: 5 Accounting Jobs That Are Not Boring