5 Elementary Podcasts about Managing Money

Podcasts for Personal Finance

  • The Disciplined Investor
  • The Dave Ramsey Show
  • Entrepreneur on Fire
  • You Need a Budget
  • The Suze Orman Show

Managing your money can be incredibly difficult if you don’t have the right information. These podcasts about money, personal finance and money management will help cover the gaps in your knowledge and give you actionable plans for saving or budgeting.

The Disciplined Investor

The podcast of Andrew Horowitz is called the Disciplined Investor. He covers investment advice based on “QuantaFundaTechna” disciplines. He’s a registered investment advisor, and has been helping clients since the 80s. Along with advising clients, Andrew writes a blog and hosts the podcast. It’s a top iTunes podcast while also being featured on important podcast directories. In the list of podcasts, the listener will get information about cryptocurrencies, hedge funds and value investing. This podcast is great for the casual investor as well as someone who wants to elevate their investment portfolio.

The Dave Ramsey Show

There’s a reason that this podcast has over 8 million listeners each week. His show is the third-largest talk show that is nationally syndicated. It’s the biggest one that’s owned independently. The reason for the popularity is that Dave is the voice of debt management. He gives listeners an actionable plan for managing personal finances, dealing with bankruptcy, approaching retirement and entrepreneurship. The success of the show is directly related to how much he’s helped listeners. They can relate to him and his advice, and he takes callers who have questions that listeners have too.

Entrepreneur on Fire

This popular podcast features John Lee Dumas and guests invited to the show. His guests are successful entrepreneurs who talk plainly about the road to their success. He digs deep into the best and worst moments of their journey so listeners can hear about the lessons the entrepreneur learned, and how that can apply to the listener. There’s a format to the show where every guest will describe their worst moments, the moment that they knew things were finally working and their current success. This is a motivation to those listeners who are struggling to make it, and it’s meant to give them hope.

You Need a Budget

YNAB started life as an app that helps anyone budget their money. It’s based on four rules for success. Every dollar needs a job is the first rule. It involves being intentional with your money. The second rule is to embrace your actual expenses and know that you do have to make those big payments for bills. Rule 3 is to roll with the punches. It means not stressing when the budget has to be adjusted. The fourth rule is to age your money. It involves letting money age, so that you’re paying bills with money you’ve had for a month. It’ll keep you from living paycheck to paycheck. The podcast expands on these rules for the listener to help them understand budgeting more.

The Suze Orman Show

Orman has been called a “force” for financial advice in the personal finance world. She’s had a show for over 13 years that gives viewers power over their finances. She’s won numerous awards over the course of her career including Business Week naming her one of the top ten motivational speakers across the world. She covers topics like wills and trusts, managing personal debt, insurance, mutual funds and retirement planning.

Any of these podcasts about money will give you the information you need to make smart decisions regarding your finances and managing your money. Whether it’s a budget or how to invest, there’s a podcast on this list to help.