An accounting internship is a wonderful opportunity to gain some practical experience before you are ready to graduate. Working as an intern while you are still in school offers you the opportunity to see how the textbook theory of accounting actually applies in business situations. In addition, you can bring your working experience to the classroom making the learning experience more interesting. Many colleges and universities offer college credit for internships. Finally, an internship in accounting gives you an opportunity to work in either tax or audit so you will have a better idea of what each field entails and offers you the opportunity to start making business contacts early.
Landing an internship can be difficult. There is a lot of competition among accounting students for each internship available. Following are 5 interview tips to make sure that first accounting internship interview goes well.
Learn All You Can About the Company Before Your Interview
Interviews are an opportunity to see if both the interviewee and the company are a good fit for each other. Go into each interview knowing as much as you can about the company you are interviewing with. Interviewers are impressed with people who come prepared and have taken the time to do the research about their company. This tells them that you are serious about the internship, and gives you the opportunity to ask educated questions.
Improve Communication and Computer Skills
Accounting classes and grade point average are not the only thing that companies offering internships are looking for. Communication skills, both oral and written, are just as important as your accounting skills. In addition, the accounting field makes extensive use of computers. Make sure your computer skills are top notch. You should be comfortable with many different accounting software programs in addition to Excel, QuickBooks, WordPerfect or other writing software, and accounts payable/receivable software.
First Impressions Count
You only have one opportunity to make a good first impression. Arrive 5-10 minutes early so you have time to relax and compose yourself before the interview. Dress in business clothing so the company knows you are serious about the job. Eye contact, a firm handshake, and body language all send a message that say you are self-confident, you deserve this internship, and you have valuable qualities to bring to the job.
Practice Interviewing
Have a friend or the placement center at your college give you practice interviews. Practice what your answers will be to the tough questions interviewers ask so that you can confidently answer without hesitation and won’t get flustered. Show insight into your strengths and your weaknesses. Be honest with your answers, but shine a light on your achievements. There are many websites that can help you prepare for your interview with advice about how to present yourself.
Take Notes and Bring Prepared Questions
Bring a notebook or pad and take notes during the interview. This shows the interviewer that you are serious about the internship, are detail oriented (very important in the field of accounting), and it gives you a chance to look down if you are struggling with eye contact. Come prepared with appropriate questions to ask at the end of the interview.
Landing an accounting internship is a wonderful opportunity to further your education and gives you an advantage when looking for your career job after graduation. Do some research about interview techniques, practice, and go into your interview prepared and confident that you are the best possible fit for the internship.