The 5 Best Accounting Twitter Feeds to follow

These accounting Twitter feeds are perfect for busy accountants who want to stay ahead of the latest trends. While accounting publications and journals offer deeper levels of insight, many people do not have time to read them from cover to cover. To learn more about the field, individuals can try out these accounting Twitter feeds.

1. @RF Chambers

Richard Chambers has more than 30 years of experience in working as an auditor. Currently, he serves as the president of the Institute of Internal Auditors. In addition to writing blog posts for the Institute of Internal Auditors, Chambers also provides regular updates for his followers on Twitter. He pays close attention to economic updates, surveys and reports. In his Twitter posts, he links to many of these statements. Users can also message him on Twitter for a personal reply and to join in the conversation.

2. @GabrielleLuoma

In the accounting world, Gabrielle Luoma has risen to become a major icon. She offers an innovative, useful take on modern accounting changes. Luoma owns a small firm and works as a certified public accountant. Through her accounting Twitter feed, Luoma offers insight into small accounting firms. She looks at the ways that social media and other techniques can help small companies succeed. In addition, Luoma posts regular updates about each accounting conference that she attends and what she learns. While she also posts on Google+ and Facebook, her Twitter feed is the most popular way to access her insights.

3. @Gregkyte

Greg Kyte is both a comedian and an accountant. For readers who are familiar with issues like auditor rotation and tax policy, his Twitter posts will provide a ready stream of laughs. He tends to link to an article or new development in each post before providing his unique insight. While comedy and accounting are not generally considered compatible, Greg Kyte is quickly proving this misconception wrong.

4. @TaxGirl

Run by Kelly Phillips Erb, this Twitter accountant offers helpful information for accountants. Erb also runs a tax blog on Forbes and is known for her excellent pieces on accounting and taxes. The Twitter feed offers the latest tips on the industry. Best of all, Erb replies quickly to her comments and mentions. Readers who have more questions can easily get in touch with her for personalized insight and commentary on the industry.

5. @IRSNews

For tax professionals and accountants, IRS News is one of the best. Run by the Internal Revenue Service, it helps the public, the press and tax professionals stay updated on the field. As new tax rules are implemented, the Twitter account quickly provides updates on policy changes so that accountants can adopt the new rules. Unlike the other accounting feeds on this list, IRS news does not respond to mentions, comments or messages on their Twitter account.

As a constantly changing field, it can be difficult to learn about the latest changes and new regulations. Tax and accounting professionals can use these feeds to learn about the latest developments from their phone or mobile device. These accounting Twitter feeds allow new and seasoned professionals to obtain the latest advice about the industry.

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